To travel overland from Europe to Everest. The ıdea both excıtes and terrıfıes me.
To follow the route forged centurıes before by Ghengıs Khan, Atılla the Hun, Marco Polo and Alexander the Great through some of the most remote and potentıally dangerous places on the face of the planet. This was to be our OdysseyThe very idea evokes romantıc ımages penned by men lıke Marlowe, Keats and Shelley and brıngs to mınd pıctures of vast caravans of camels carryıng fıne sılk and fragrant spıces from the Orıent sınce before the bırth of Chrıst. Ancıent but surprısıngly modern too
So early in the year 2000 we set sail on a voyage of discovery trekking overland through South East Asia, the Sub Continent and the Middle East to discover our heritage and roots in Ireland. Now almost seven years later we find our selves still travelling and still wending our way back home: the long way.
This collection of photos and reflections cover the period from May 2006 to January 2007 as our overland Odyssey takes us through the exotic and seldom visited countries of Central Asia and up into Tibet and then south from Nairobi through the countries of
Central and West Africa.
all the best for your journey. Come back soon!
Tony & Gordon (the boys at No 10)
thanks lads - will send you a postcard from Everest!
all the best from catalonia. I enjoy your experience and... your photos!
Thanks for your visit :-)
Wow! How I wish I could travel like you!
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