11th October - Kenya
The thin row of multi coloured shops stand shoulder to shoulder along the edge of the red dust road, their rusting verandahs and brightly painted fronts making them appear patchworked against the green of the tea and sugar cane crops behind them. Outside each, samples of their wears hang from the rafters; plastic products of all shapes and sizes,canvas school bags,brightly coloured clothing and a variety of household hardware. Atop each a hand painted sign recommending the establishment; Elijah's Butchery, Hosannah Hair Fashion, Jesus Saves Electrical etc., the fruits of zealous missionaries from the 1800s. On a nearby bush, washing has been spread out to dry in the sun and in front of it a woman sets up shop in the dust selling home grown vegetables as well as knitwear she has made herself. This is rural Kenya and we're returning from a day Safari in the Lake Naikuru National Park and at Elsmere, the property where Elsa the Lioness rose to international fame in the 60's. We have seen a leopard, a white Rhino, Hippos, Giraffe, Impala and a host of Gizelles. We're tired but happy as we join the locals - all of us returning home for the evening. Brightly clothed woman carring shopping,shiney headed children returning from school and men on foot, or riding bicycles, together we make our way into the approaching dusk. This is a good country and these are warm hearted and generous people who have made us at home in their midst. We shall be sorry to leave them. Tomorrow we move on to Tanzania and the great Serengeti. Hopefully we will addLions and Elelphants to our list!
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