12th September 2006 – Nepal
To be fair, He only ever did it the once. In all of recorded history God only ever ordered up one flood. Yes, it was a big one, but He had done His Environmental Impact Report, He had given every one plenty of warning and he had a well prepared contingency plan to minimise collateral damage. In short, God's flood was well planned, well managed and only the baddies died. Everyone was happy.
Today however floods are a dime a dozen. No matter what the season or whereever in the world you look, floods are common place. Widespread, unpredicted chaos with no warning and no contingency to control the damage to property or minimise the loss of human life. Has God gone completely bonkers, you might ask, or should we look elsewhere for the reason for all this flooding?
In Albania they use the word MIAFTA. It means,halt,stop,enough, no further. Despite my promises never to flood the world again, I think that if I were God, I'd be revising my plans for 'Operation Noah', advertising for a new skipper and muttering miafta under my breath.
Here in Nepal it has been raining for days. Hundreds of hectares are under water, farmers have lost their summer harvest, there will be huge food shortages in the coming months and widespread disease and death within a few weeks. I'm not sure who you think is responsible, but I believe it's the direct result of human greed, environmental mismanagement and apathy.
. . . anyone know what Russel Coutts is up to these days?
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