15th August 2006 - Golmond
We have been traveling progressively eastward now for more than 74 days and in the 30 or so that lay ahead, will cross the vast Turpan desert (where we will at times be 50 mtrs below sea level), ascend the Tibetan plateau, trek to Everest Base Camp, see the wonders of Lhasa and visit numerous temples and monasteries before compleeting the Asian leg of our Odyssey in Nepal at the begining of September. We will experience temperatures ranging from +45 during the day to -03 in the evenings as well as high altitudes (5,200 mtrs) and strong winds off the Himalayas, so we are kitted out with everything from sun screen to down jackets and mittens. This will with out doubt be the biggest physical (and emotional) challenge either of us have ever experienced - but Michael Palin made it, and so will we!
Meanwhile we are enjoying Dunhaung, an important Oasis town at the cross roads of the northern and southern Chinese Silk Route where tonight we will visit the western end of the Great Wall and explore the Buddhist art caves at nearby Mogao. This is an area of China seldom visited by westerners so we get the feeling we are the only outsiders here and continue to be a source of local interest attracting crouds of onlookers where ever we go.
I (John) have even experienced the local medical services here in Dunhaung where I had an eye operation in the local hospital to remove a cyst that had developed under my right eye lid. It was conducted in the doctors office, took no more than 20 minutes and cost less than $25.00 including the taxi there, prescription charges, and the cost of issuing my Chinese medical health records and certificate! Quicker than the NHS
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