18th September 2006 - Pokhara
Call me naive or an escapee from reality but the truth is I've never been so politically ill informed or, at the same time so relaxed about life in general and I'm wondering if these two states are at all related. For more than 100 days now I've gone cold turkey on BBC, CNN & Reuters. I no longer know who leads New Labour, neither do I care, and International Terrorism is a phrase that has slipped completely from my mind.
In its place I've given space to considering Byzantian Spirituality, Eastern phillosophies, visited countless Temples & Monasteries, marvelled at Islamic architecture and art, dwelt with nomadic tribesmen in Central Asia and the Tibetan Plateau and tried to decide which colour pashmina would be best to buy. In short, I've been sidetracked by the less important issues in life; art, culture and religion.
International news coverage may have shrunk our world, but has it also shrunk our minds as well? Perhaps I've just lost the plot or suddenly unplugged from the Matrix. Oh well, who care, don't worry, be happy!
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