Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mosques,madrassahs,minerettes and mausoleums

10th July 2006 – Samarqand
Mosques,madrassahs,minerettes and mausoleums by the score. Some of the most amazingly impressive examples of Islamic art and architecture anywhere in the world is here in Uzbekistan. Breathtakingly beautiful and the equal of the ancient wonders of Egypt or the majesty of Rome. We've been here at the very heart of the Great Silk Road for the last two weeks in Khiva, Bukhara, Samarqand and Tashkent. We've visited and stayed in ancient Caravan Sarai, nomadic Yhurts and modern hotels. We've browsed centuries old bazaars and trading domes, sat beside refreshing pools where the travellers took tea and relaxed, we've enjoyed delicious local cuisine and hospitality, felt perfectly safe at all times and of course taken hundreds of photographs.
It's hard to imagine that this won't be the highlight of our Off Road Odyssey but we're off to Kergystan next week and there's China, Tibet and Africa too. I'm sure we'll rave about them just as much.
At a personal level we're both very well and enjoying the tour. We seem to have lost text contact with Australia and New Zealand so apologies if we haven't replyed to you. Still having trouble with emails and photographs as well.
Thanks Bridiget for the sox- a little bit of possom heaven, possoms!

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