5th July 2006 - Khiva
Now promise not to tell anyone but I like Marion Keyes. I like her characterisation and the way she digs just far enough beneath the surface to expose the rich tapestry of thoughts and emotions that compliment the plot. But it's the way her books draw me into her own cultural background that I like the most. Her stories could be set anywhere but it's their cultural context that gives her characters that unique subtilty and flavour - the way they say things, their perspectives on issues and their shared history that mark them as uniquely Irish. So yesterday when we farewelled three of the four people we had travelled with for the past few weeks and welcomed five new travel companions we realised that our 'truck culture' had disappeared with them. By the time we arrive in Biskek in two weeks we will have evolved a new truck culture. It will be unique to this new group of people but like Marion Keye's novels, much of its subtleties will be missed by those who have not shared in its making. Meanwhile we continue to travel through the Karakum desert in plus 40 temperatures and on roads that rival those we knew in Albania. A new group, travelling a new route and building a new relationship. A new Culture. I supposes it's a bit of a microcosm of life really? PS for the more boring details of our travel itinerary click on the links on this page for Turkmenistan and on the one for the Silk Route. Still unable to upload any photos - bugger! Next stop Khiva in Uzbekistan – magic!!
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